Friday, December 10, 2004

Hate Every Thought Of Having To Fall In Line, Part Two

Although many economists have demonstrated that Social Security is in decent shape will still be able to pay out 81 percent of benefits in 2052, and although even this can be fixed with modest changes (like paying down the national debt), George W. Bush and his right-wing allies in Congress plan to go ahead and privatize ("Don't call it that!" - Republican National Committee) Social Security in the coming months. Discussing the issue on CNN today, veteran pretty face Judy Woodruff talked with three journalists about the issue, and all of them agreed that Bush was taking bold action to shore up Social Security for the future. Not one dissenting voice on the state of the program was heard, nor was any discussion of a Democratic plan of opposition (assuming the Democrats have one) mentioned. The mainstream media clearly have no interest in delving into the serious drawbacks of Bush's plans. And this is CNN. Imagine how Fox News is treating it! ]:-(
P.S. Is it just me, or is there little reason to expect much of Senate Democrats when their new leader is a culturally conservative, charismatically challenged Mormon?

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