Thursday, December 30, 2004

American Generosity?

Here are a few facts and figures to give you an idea of just how generous we Americans really are:
Amount of money given by the United Kingdom for the tsunami disaster relief in southern Asia: $96 million
Amount of money given by Spain: $68 million
Amount of money given by France: $56 million
Amount of money given by the United States: $15 million
Amount of money given by the United States after a chorus of catcalls from the rest of the world: $35 million
Amount of money to be spent on Bush's second inaugural (an event many of us hoped would never happen): $40 million
The opportunity for foreigners who hate America and for Americans disappointed in their own country to condemn the United States as the sorriest excuse for a nation on the face of this earth: priceless
Now there's something they don't teach you in post-graduate economics studies! :-p

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