Sunday, November 7, 2004

New Article Project

Well, boys and girls, I finally have some good news for a change . . . about my writing, er, career. I did an interview today for a new article! No, it's not about the jazz radio personality (and trust me, I will get to that). This one is about a woman I met back in July outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Claire Elizabeth Barratt is an Englishwoman living in New York who performs "motion sculpture" pieces; it's like the mechanical performers you see in subway stations and on street corners (and, at Christmas time, the local mall), but Ms. Barratt - I get to call her Claire! :-) - moves in a slow "morphing" style, with an emphasis on blending in with her surroundings. In addition to being an innovative performance artist, she is also an engaging, spirited woman. It's going to be hard to describe her work in words, but I feel it will be well worth the effort.
So that means I may not be posting here as often in the coming weeks. Oh, I'm not going on hiatus or anything; I'll still be around. I just won't be posting as much. I have a new writing project on my hands, and I feel good! :-)
And what about my job search? Er, different issue.

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