Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Personal News and Yet More Election Endorsements

Okay, some news regarding, well, me - and my dad. Not only is he joining the readership of this blog now, he's also celebrating his birthday today. Happy Birthday, Dad! Now that you're reading this, I'll try not to embarrass you.
Regarding my writing career - I may be getting my proposed profile article about a local jazz radio host off the ground. It looks like she can grant me an interview this weekend, even though I might have plans for then. Somehow, it might just work out this time. I'll let you know.
Meanwhile, here are a couple more endorsements for next Tuesday's election. And just to show how bipartisan I am, I'm endorsing a couple of Republicans today!
For U.S. Senator, Arizona: This blog endorses John McCain for a fourth term. Yes, he's a little too far to the right on social issues, but he's also against government waste and means it, he's worked hard for campaign finance reform, and he's also working hard for media reform with the same senator he collaborated with on campaign financing, Democrat Russell Feingold of Wisconsin. Plus, electing McCain for another term is a win-win situation no matter who wins the Presidency. If Bush wins, McCain can give him hell for another four years; if Kerry wins, America's most trusted lawmaker will have a friend in the White House. Take it from me, Arizona; stick with the real McCain. :-)
For U.S. Representative, New Jersey, Eleventh District: This is my district, and this blog, somewhat reluctantly, endorses incumbent Republican Rodney Frelinghuysen. While he supports the Bush tax cuts, he also takes homeland security more seriously than the Bush White House, as he advocates securing New Jersey's container shipping ports and public transit systems. He also wants to spend more time and money on local ponderers who would bear the brunt of fighting terrorism in the event of another wave of attacks. And, by the way, he supports Amtrak and has worked to preserve the New Jersey Highlands, one of the so-called Garden State's last wild areas. Vote for Rod - don't support opposition from a ficus plant! (Inside joke for Michael Moore fans!)
I think that's it for endorsements.

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