Thursday, October 21, 2004

Clinton For Kerry, America For Urbanism

It's going to happen - Bill Clinton will campaign for John Kerry. The former President will appear with Kerry at a rally in Philadelphia, and he'll possibly make a couple of other appearances with him in some battleground states other than Pennsylvania. This should give Kerry a boost, but he still has to close the sale by himself. And while the polls showing a dead-even race with Bush suggest Kerry may be on the verge of doing that, he clearly hasn't yet. He'd better hurry; there's not much time left in this campaign.
Meanwhile, on a different topic (and one neither candidate seems to want to discuss), a new poll shows that roughly half of all Americans prefer living in cities or inner suburban towns, rather than the far-flung suburban sprawl they are forced to live in today. Check this article on it from my local paper, right here.

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