Friday, June 18, 2004

New Jersey Tax Hike

The governor of my home state of New Jersey, James E. McGreevey, is doing something astonishing; he's raising taxes. Well, not on everyone, just on the wealthiest one percent of New Jerseyans. McGreevey wants to use this "millionaire's tax" to provide property tax relief for midle-class families, insisting that the wealthy will still have enough money from George W. Bush's tax cut. As expected, conservatives - including middle-class conservatives - object to a tax increase on the rich that these folks insist takes away money that could be used to create jobs for other people (sure, like all those call center jobs in India!), but the response to this plan has been favorable. And this is a governor who's about as popular as Bermuda shorts in January. Hmm, maybe he could actually get re-elected next year . . ..

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