Tuesday, June 8, 2004

I'm Newly Employed

Big news - I got another job!
I'll be working at a law firm as a clerk; I 'll be filing, using postage meters, and doing various mail-related tasks. It's a pleasant office, with friendly people, and I think it'll work out well. The store I work in now is a really dismal place; I spend too much time at the register and not enough time learning the floor plan of the merchandise, one of my coworkers hates me, the pay is mediocre even by retail standards, and the break-room amenities are a joke. I've worked here for just three months; I'll probably look back on this as the spring of my discontent.
So what am I doing right now? Watching CNN, which is showing Larry King's exclusive interview with Gerald Ford - the last decent Republican President - and his wife Betty. (Ford will be 91 in July.)

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