Thursday, May 20, 2004

Other TV News

I'm not the only one who suddenly has nothing to watch on Tuesday nights. NBC also canceled Whoppi Goldberg's sitcom, which was a favorite show of my mother's. In fact, every show that debuted on NBC in September except one - the drama "Las Vegas" - was axed. What's really funny is to see NBC president Jeff Zucker act like someone else gave these shows the green light when only last year he was raving about them.
Also, NBC will have only four half-hour sitcoms, including Matt LeBlanc's "Friends" spinoff "Joey," on this fall. That's only two hours of situation comedies out of twenty-two prime time hours each week. The once-formidable Thursday night sitcom lineup is gone. The nineties are indeed over.
One ABC sitcom I'm not unhappy to see go is "It's All Relative," a show about the son of conservative blue-collar Boston Irish Catholics marrying the adopted daughter of two cultured gay men. You can guess how offensive it was.
CBS is giving Jason Alexander a new sitcom - "Listen Up," based on a real-life sportswriter. This show sounds like it could be a hit. :-)
I don't know anything about Fox's fall schedule yet, but "The Simpsons" will most likely return of a fourteenth - or is it fifteenth? - season. :-O

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