Tuesday, April 27, 2004

My Local Library Has Been Remodeled

The West Caldwell Public Library, at long last finished, was dedicated the other day, and I attended what amounted to the festivities. I got there late, so if there was a speech or two, I must have missed them. There were a lot of VIP's there: town councilmen, former mayors (I didn't see the current one), and even our U.S. congressman (Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-NJ-11th Dist., for those who want to know). There was also a good deal of food and drink (woo-hoo!) and a few raffles.
The library itself looks great, by the way. It has new computer facilities, a spacious meeting room, a whimsical children's section, and not one, but two large clocks replacing the small one they never bothered to hang up. My hometown celebrates its centennial this year, and the new remodeling of the library is a nice way to mark the anniversary.
This Saturday, the town fathers are continuing the anniversary celebration by rededicating. . . a tree. We have New Jersey's oldest cucumber magnolia tree growing in front of our Friendly's restaurant; it's sort of our town mascot.
I just live here, mind you. :-D

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