Sunday, April 18, 2004

Bob Woodward's New Book

I just saw Bob Woodward on "60 Minutes" tonight talking about his new book, "Plan of Attack," with Mike Wallace. The book is an account of how Bush planned the invasion of Iraq even as we were going into Afghanistan. Among the finer details:
Dick Cheney, along with Donald Rumsfeld, pushed for Bush to stat the war on Iraq, hoping to settle the unfinished business of the 1991 Gulf War, during which Bush's father was President and Cheney was Defense Secretary;
U.S. Central Command leader General Tommy Franks was given carte blanche to fund a planned attack on Iraq by the White House without Congress's knowledge, in possible violation of the Constitution;
Colin Powell was kept virtually in the dark about Bush's plans until two months before the invasion;
Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar was shown documents showing the plan of attack, which wasn't supposed to be shown to foreign nationals;
The Saudis planned to help Bush get re-elected by increasing oil production to help the U.S. economy in time for the fall election, and;
The whole raison d'etre for the invasion, Saddam Hussein's alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, was merely guessed to exist until Cheney decided to speak of these weapons in public as if they really existed.
Plus, too many other details to list.
We gotta get Bush outta the freakin' White House!!

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