Tuesday, February 3, 2004

She Said, "My Breasts, They Will Always Be Open"

Thank you, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, for giving me something other than the presidential campaign to write about! :-D
Just in case you've been in a bunker lately - even Saddam Hussein is no longer in one, for Pete's sakes - Justin Timberlake "accidentally" tore away part of Janet Jackson's outfit, revealing her right breast, during the Super Bowl halftime show the other night. The show was produced by MTV, owned by Viacom, and broadcast on CBS, also owned by Viacom. This is showbiz synergy gone bad. It's also a good plug - what a coincidence! - for Janet Jackson's upcoming album.
There's a delicious irony to all this. CBS wouldn't air an ad from the liberal activist group MoveOn.org during the Super Bowl because it was deemed inappropriate; also, because Viacom has business pending before a Republican Congress, they didn't want to offend the Bush administration. Now, after an inappropriate display of female flesh on national television, the Federal Communications Commission, headed by Bush appointee Michael Powell (Colin's boy), is investigating Viacom for this outrageous stunt. To which I say, HA HA HA! As far as I'm concerned, CBS got what it deserved.
Besides, considering that the show was produced by MTV, starring two of the most salacious performers in pop today, CBS chief Leslie Moonves should have realized something like this was going to happen.
Oh yeah, CBS is airing the Grammy Awards this coming Sunday. Britney Spears and a certain single-named performer who shall remain anonymous will appear. I think CBS could get into even more trouble . . .. :-O

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