Friday, February 27, 2004

Same-Sex Marriage Revolution

Recently the New York Times reported that many European countries, particularly France, Portugal, and Denmark, have offered an alternative to heterosexual couples to marriage, even as our Supreme Court-appointed President is encouraging the federal government to promote marriage. In these Western European nations, couples can enter into a registered partnership that allows them to live, work, arrange familial affairs, and pay taxes as if they were wed - without having to get married. Such a partnership can be easily terminated by one or both parties involved if things don't work out. This form of civil union allows straight couples to test the waters before entering marraige, because, after all, it's a fateful decision.
Couples need to be allowed to live to together and try out the trappings of marriage before taking such a big step. Otherwise they get married in a fit of passion or convenience, than they might find out they're not compatible, go through a messy divorce, and have to argue over custody of any children they might have. Not good.
Registered partnerships for unmarried straight couples are a sensible, thoughtful, intelligent idea. Which means that here in America, of course, it's not likely to be taken seriously. :-(

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