Wednesday, December 3, 2003

Kyoto Protocol Unraveling

The Kyoto Protocol took another hit yesterday. Russia announced that it would not ratify it on the grounds that adhering to the treaty would impede the country's efforts to strengthen its economy. Moscow's decision is the most egregious, most horrible crime committed against the environment since Friday.
The Kremlin's argument against Kyoto is not very different from the "reasoning" George W. Bush gave for pulling the United States out. Now we know why Bush considers Vladimir Putin his new best friend.
Oh yeah, it's supposed to snow all weekend here in the Northeast. When a winter storm potent enough to cancel bowling nights occurs less than three weeks before the official start of winter, it's hard to convince folks about the need to combat global warming. It'll be harder still if we get a winter season lasting into April like we did in the Northeast last year. :-(

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