Monday, November 10, 2003

Conservative Propaganda

Attentive readers of my blog will note that there have been ads atop my page for Ronald Reagan paraphernalia and subscriptions to conservative magazines since I posted my comments about CBS's now-scrapped plans to air a Reagan movie (more of which in a moment) this month. Please note that I do not endorse such products; the Blogger service merely run ads based on what I post. Get yourself a subscription to The Nation or The Progressive instead.
As for CBS knuckling under to right-wing groups and opting to let "The Reagans" air on its sister network Showtime instead. . . well, this is yet another form of censorship designed to please the people in power who decide on media regulation. (Viacom, CBS's parent company, has matters pending before Congress.) It's the most craven form of censorship performed by the Columbia Broadcasting System since the so-called Tiffany network got rid of the Smothers Brothers' show, which satirized the Vietnam War and the political elite, to please a CBS executive who was friends with then-President Nixon. As les freres Smothers explained, they weren't canceled, they were fired!
Conservatives seem to only care in free speech that doesn't offend them and they exclusively reserve the right to criticize anything or anyone they don't like. The rest of us can shut up. If one of the networks decided to air a movie about Bill Clinton as critical of Clinton as this canceled miniseries was of Reagan, conservatives not only would let the network run it, they'd make the network run it!
Look for Fox to show such an anti-Clinton movie very soon.

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