Saturday, October 11, 2003

Michael Moore's New Book

Michael Moore, the liberal gadfly who has been driving George W. Bush, his administration, and its supporters crazy ever since the Texas Air Guard deserter took office, is at it again. This week, he released his new book Dude, Where's My Country?, which explains just how the mean and nasty people who run America took it over and how we can take it back, In addition, Moore is pointing out - both in his book and on his media blitz/book tour - how the Bush and bin Laden families have been in cahoots which other for decades. Yes, that bin Laden family, the same one whose relative Osama carried out the deadliest attack on American soil since Antietam. The Bushes insist that Osama bin Laden is the black sheep of his family, and that he's been ostracized by them, but that doesn't square with the facts that either Moore or the BBC (a link of their report is available through my posting of July 29, 2003) have unearthed.
Electing a Democratic President in 2004 won't help us take the country back in and of itself, but it's a start.
Michael Moore is a bestselling author and a successful film documentarian, and right now, because of that success, a lot of people are interested in what he has to say. And he has plenty to say. I'm certainly going to listen.

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