Wednesday, October 1, 2003

I Know You're Workin' For the CIA

So it seems that someone in the White House leaked to the press that the wife of diplomat Joseph Wilson, the ambassador who questioned the phony report on Iraq buying uranium from Africa, is a CIA operative - to embarrass Wilson. Columnist Robert Novak was the only one who revealed Mrs. Wilson's identity, claiming that he had no direct contact with the White House (but didn't mention whether he had indirect contact with the White House) and that he thought Wilson's wife was a CIA "analyst" (guess it depends on how you define 'spy,' eh, Bob?). This is a horrid example of both the Bush White House's disregard for fair play and their inept foreign policy. Even Republicans are outraged by this breach of confidentiality. And Robert Novak, always a troll of a man, has sunk to a new low even for him.

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