Saturday, October 4, 2003

A Cruz To Victory?

Okay, I may have said some conciliatory things about Arnold Schwarzenhower-Eisenburger-Eggundhamm von der Blitzenheimer-Schlossenfreuder-Frankenstein-und-der-Hermann-Munster de von Hofkaupt of Ulm yesterday, but just remember - he hasn't been elected governor of California yet! And there is a scenario, however implausible, in which Demcoratic Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante could eke out a victory should Gray Davis go down as expected.
Dig this: The winning replacement candidate only needs a plurality to win should Davis be recalled. Californians who vote "no" on the recall can still vote for a replacement. Currently, 44 percent of all likely voters are expected to vote "no." Obviously, most if not all of these voters will select Bustamante as a replacement. So all Bustamante has to do is win enough of a handful of votes from "yes" voters to squeak by Arnold Schwarzenegginderface and get the governorship. The first task should be relatively easy, but the second task could be very difficult if not impossible. But given how this recall election is structured, and given how unpredictable the final vote may be, it is possible that Bustamante can pull off an upset and keep the Republicans from grabbing the governorship of the nation's most populous state.
It's not over yet.
Please note that I am only suggesting how Bustamante might be able to win. This posting is not an endorsement for him, since I am still endorsing Gary Coleman! :-D

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