Monday, September 15, 2003

You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers

More question and answer time:
What are you reading these days? Margaret Drabble's "The Waterfall," about a newly single Englishwoman with two children who falls in love with her cousin's husband.
Isn't that a chick book? No, because Margaret Drabble is a British intellectual, not a Harlequin hack.
What have you been watching lately? Last night I saw HBO's "K Street," a series from George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh about a lobbying firm in Washington. Actors playing fictional characters interact with James Carville, Mary Matalin, and several real-life politicians, who play themselves. Very weird to see art and life imitate each other like that.
What would you call something like that? Ronald Reagan's most enduring legacy.
What's your biggest worry these days? Hurricane Isabel, which could be an even worse storm for New Jersey than Tropical Storm Floyd or the blizzards of 1993, 1996 and 2003.
Where do you expect the storm to hit? My guess is that it's going to hit Virginia Beach. If it does, than I hope it destroys Pat Robertson's properties. Then I hope it drifts westward to Lynchburg and wallops Jerry Falwell's Liberty University campus!
How will your loyal readers know whether you've been hit? If you don't see a blog entry from me any time Friday, it means I'm using flashlights and eating cold soup from the can.
What do you think of the possibility of retired General Wesley Clark running for President? Very intriguing. He plans to announce his decision on this Friday. I just hope I get to hear about it! (Considering the hurricane and all . . ..)
What would his entry do to the race? No idea; I guess he'd become the front runner
Would you like to see Clark become President? Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing him come to power in a coup. It would be a more democratic means than how Bush got in.
You're that mad at Bush? Oh, you don't know!
So what are you going to do now? Prepare for Isabel! I gotta buy some batteries for our radios!
Wouldn't "I have to buy some batteries for our radios" be more grammatical? Dammit, there's no time for niceties! A storm is coming! (Maybe. . ..)

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