Thursday, August 14, 2003

Possible Slogans For Gary Coleman's Political Campaign

One hundred and thirty-five candidates have been certified to run for the right to replace Gray Davis as governor of California should Davis fail to survive the recall election. Arianna Huffington wasted no time, appearing today to attack Arnold Schwarzenegger as being too friendly with the Bush administration and with Ken Lay of Enron, which, in addition to various other crimes, rigged California's energy market and helped cause the state's blackouts. Hmmm, Davis's bid to remain above the fray might prove to be a smart idea . . ..
Meanwhile, declared candidate Gary Coleman is taking his campaign in stride, running for a lark and endorsing Schwarzenegger. I admire Coleman's ability to laugh at himself, but I'd be happier if he at least gave the appearance of running a serious gubernatorial campaign, if only to add to the levity of the situation. In that spirit, I propose a series of campaign slogans for the kid from left field (the nickname refers not to Coleman's politics but to a TV movie he once appeared in):
Gary Coleman For Governor. Because it really does take different strokes to move the world.
Elect Gary Coleman. He'll fight for the little guy - because he is a little guy!
GARY COLEMAN FOR GOVERNOR. It takes a little guy for a big job.
Gary Coleman. He's not Arnold, but he played a kid named Arnold on TV.
Okay, that last one was a little weak . . ..

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