Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Bike Accident

I had a minor cycling accident today.
I was riding down a main avenue near where I live when I suddenly lost control of the bike and hit a chunk of the curb protruding from a driveway apron. I was tossed over my handlebars and onto the pavement. Fortunately, because I was riding on the side of the avenue, I wasn't thrown into the path of any traffic, and both my bicycle and I sustained only minor injuries. I have a feeling, though, that I'm going to be very, very sore tomorrow - more than I am already! I also got scraped a bit on my left elbow and right knee.
How did I survive to tell you all this? Simple: I was wearing my bicycle helmet, which saved me from much greater injury; it probably even saved my life! So let that be a lesson to all you dear readers - when you go cycling, always wear a helmet!
Don't think bicycle accidents can't happen to you.

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